Wednesday, March 12, 2014

National Conferences and Workshops Attended

1.       44th annual CSI conference held in Delhi in November  1992.
2.       45th annual CSI conference held in Chennai in December  1993.
3.       46th annual CSI conference held in Jaipur in December 1994.
4.      National symposium on Streptococcal infections ,Rheumatic fever and Rheumatic heart disease held at SCTIMST  Thiruvananthapuram on  25th July 1993.
5.  Live demonstration course on basic and advanced coronary interventions held at Institute of  Cardiovascular diseases Chennai in July  1994.
6.       Mid term conference of API AP chapter held at Tirupati in September 1995.
7.       27th annual SNM conference held at Tirupati in November 1995.
8.       47th annual CSI conference held at Lucknow in December 1995.
9.      Organized and participated as a faculty in the workshop on coronary angioplasty in collaboration With Samuel J, Shubrook Jr from New England Deaconess hospital Boston USA 1n April  1994 at SVIMS Tirupati.
10.   Organized and participated as a faculty in a workshop on Transcatheter closure of Congenital Acyanotic cardiac defects with E.B.Sideris of Athens Greece in August  1994 at SVIMS Tirupati.
11.   Organised and participated as a faculty in a workshop on Coronary  angioplasty and stent With Ramakrishna Reddy from Pomana valley hospital Callif USA in December  1995 at SVIMS Tirupati.
12.   First mid term conference of AP chapter of CSI held at Tirupati in March 1996.
13.  Organized and participated as a faculty in a workshop on Coronary angioplasty and Stent With Dr Ashish Jain of Stanford University California USA and Dr Mitchell Krukoff of  Duke University medical  center Durham North Carolina USA in May 1996 at SVIMS,  Tirupati.
14.   Participated as a guest faculty in the CME programme on Recent advances in Anaesthesia And critical care held at Tirupati   in June 1996.
15.   48th annual CSI conference held at Bangalore in October 1996.
16.   Attended as a delegate the annual conference and workshop on Coronary Interventions by Asian Pacific Society of interventional cardiology held at Chennai in December  1996.
17.  Attended as a delegate the live workshop on Coronary thrombectomy and coronary flow Reserve by Doppler wire held at Escorts Institute,  Delhi in April 1997.
18.  Organized and participated as a faculty in a workshop on mitral valvuloplasty  along with Dr Chuan –Rong chen from Guangdong cardiovascular  Institute China at SVIMS Tirupati in May 1997.
19.   Attended as a delegate the 4th annual ICC conference held at Hyderabad  in June’97.
20.    Attended as a delegate the 47th annual CSI conference held at Calcutta in November  1997.
21.    Attended as a delegate the 5th annual ICC conference held at Chennai in July 1998.
22.    Attended as a delegate the 50th annual CSI conference held at Mumbai in December 1998
23.    Organized a workshop on Transcatheter mitral commissurotomy using Cribier device along with Dr Sriram Rajagopal from Railway     Hospital Chennai at SVIMS Tirupati  on 13th February 1999.
24.    Attended as a delegate the I national interventional council meeting of  CSI held at Hyderabad In April 1999.
25.    Attended  as a delegate the 6th annual conference of ICC held at    Varanasi in July 1999.
26.    Attended as delegate the I World Congress of Interventional Cardiology held at Mumbai in  October  1999.
27.    Attended as a delegate the 51st annual CSI conference held at Delhi in Dec 1999.
28.    Attended as faculty the 12th annual  ISAR conference held at Tirupati in December  1999.
29.    Organized a CME on Preventive Cardiology in SVIMS Tirupati on  24th September  2000 on the  occasion of I world heart day.
30.    Organized a workshop on Transcatheter closure of PDA by Amplatzer device along with Dr, Ramesh Arora and Dr G,S,Kalra from G.B.Pant hospital Delhi on 19th July 2000.
31.    Attended as a delegate the 7th annual conference of ICC held at Bangalore in Oct 2000. Attended as a delegate the 3rd Indo-French cardiology conference held at Hyderabad in  November  2000p
32.    Attended as a delegate the 52nd annual CSI conference held at Chennai in December 2000.
33.    Organized a workshop on Complex coronary interventions along with  Dr Chivukala Subramanyam  Newtown US on 4th January 20001 at   SVIMS, Tirupati .
34.   Organized a CME on Paediatric congenital heart disease on 21st January 2001 at SVIMS Tirupati.
35.   Attended as a delegate the South Asia Electrophysiology Training programme  Module – II  (Intermediate Electrophysiology) held at Hyderabad from 5-7th  March 2001.
36.   Attended as a delegate the South Asia Electro physiology Training programme Module-II (intermediate Electrophysiology) held at Hyderabad from 5th to 7th March 2001.
37.   Attended as a delegate the first international workshop on “Alcohol Ablation in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy” held at Chennai in April 2001.
38.   Organized a  workshop  on EP Study & RF Ablation of SVT at SVIMS, Tirupati on 13th & 14th August 2001 along with Dr. Mohan Nair, New Delhi.
39.   Attended as a delegate the 8th Annual conference of ICC held at Bhuvaneswar in October 2001.
40.   Attended as a delegate the South Asia EP Training Program Module 1 (Basic EP) held at Hyderabad from 19th to 21st October 2001.
41.   Attended as a delegate the 53rd Annual Conference of CSI held at Hyderabad in December 2001.
42.   Attended as a delegate the South Asia EP Training Program Module-III (Advanced EP) held at New Delhi in March 2002.
43.   Attended as a delegate the 6th Midterm meeting of intervention Council of CSI held at Pune from 19th to 21st April 2002.
44.   Attended as a faculty the 7th Annual conference of A.P. Chapter of CSI held at Hyderabad on 27th & 28th April 2002.
45.   Attended as a faculty the 15th annual conference of the ISAR held at Tirupati in October 2002.
46.   Attended as a delegate the 54th annual conference of the CSI held at Kochi in December 2002.
47.   Attended as a delegate the 7th midterm meeting of the intervention Council of India held at Bangalore in April 2003.
48.   Attended as a delegate the 55th Annual Conference of CSI held at Calcutta in December 2003.
49.   Attended as a delegate the 56th Annual Conference of CSI held at Bangalore in December 2004.
50.   Attended as a delegate the 9th mid term meeting of the intervention council of CSI held at Lucknow in April 2005.
51.   Attended as a faculty the CME programme on current advances in atherosclerosis research held at SVIMS, Tirupati in April 2005.
52.   Attended as a delegate the 57th Annual Conference of CSI held at Mumbai in December 2005.
53.   Attended as a delegate the 13th Annual Conference of A.P. Chapter of CSI held at Hyderabad in June 2006.
54.   Attended as a delegate the 58th Annual Conference of CSI held at Delhi in December 2006.
55.   Attended as a faculty & organizing secretary the 14th Annual Conference of A.P. Chapter of CSI at Tirupati in June 2007.
56.   Attended as a delegate the 11th mid term meeting of Intervention council of CSI held at Ahmedabad in April 2007.
57.   Attended as a faculty the 59th Annual Conference of CSI held at Hyderabad in December 2007.
58.   Attended as a faculty the 20th Annual conference of ISAR held at Tiruapti in December 2007.
59.  Attended as a delegate the 10th mid term meeting of the intervention council of
       CSI held at Thiruvananthapuram in April 2006
60.  Organized the 12th annual conference of A.P. Chapter of CSI at Tirupati  in June 2007.
61.  Oganized the 20th annual conference of the ISAR  held at Tirupati in December 2007.
62 Atended as a faculty the 60th annual conference of the cardiological society of India  at Chennai in Dec 2008
.63 Attended as a delegate the 12th mid term interventional council meeting of CSI held at Calcutta in April 2008.
64 Attended as a Faculty the 13 mid term interventional council meeting held at Hyderabad in April 2009
64 Attended as  a faculty the CTO meet organized by Global Hoospitals at Hyderabad in Jan 2009
65.Attended as a faculty the 14th annual conference of AP Chapter of CSI at NRI Vijayawada in July 2009
66.Attended as a faculty the annual CAD summit organized by Cardiovascular Society of India at Mumbai in Oct 2009
67.Attended as a faculty the 61st Annual conference of the cardiological society of India at Kochi in Dec 2009
68 Attended as a faculty the 62nd Annual CSI conference of Cardiological Society of India  at Kolkota in Dec 2010.
69. Attended as a faculty the 63rd Annual CSI conference held at Mumbai in Dec 2011.
70. Attended as a faculty the 16th Annual conference of ICC held at Kolkota in Aug 2011.
71. Attended as a faculty the summit on STEMI organized by KMC Coimbatore in Mar 2011.
72. Attended as a faculty the annual ACT conference organized by MMM in Jun 2011.

73.Attended as a faculty the ACVS conference organized by CARE Hospitals in Hyderabad in Aug 2011.

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